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Cycle Jam?
How much is CycleJam?
It's FREE fool! So come 'round. Because we don't charge and our services are so appreciated, several organisations allow us to use their space and resources for free. Check out our list of partners.
Who is CycleJam?
Everyone that comes is part of the Jam. There are a core group of volunteers who handle the administrative stuff and make sure that the jams are happening. But, mostly CycleJam is made up of people dropping in to take advantage of the free tools, free spare parts, free reference texts and free knowledgeable mechanics available at every jam. If you want to be part of CycleJam, just join in. The vast majority of Jammers have no prior bike mechanic experience.
What is CycleJam?
CycleJam is a great opportunity to fix and maintain your bike for FREE. Usually people drop in with an ailing bike for which they lack the knowledge, tools or parts to fix. Durring the Jam, a facilitator helps put the right resources in the hands of the bike owner and coaches them through the repair or maintenance task. On the other hand, we stay out of the way of people who prefer to work alone.
How to CycleJam?
Come to any Jam and bring your bike. Or if you don't have a bike, just visit a Jam to observe. Before working on your bike, make sure to check-in and sign the release, which declares the you accept responsibility for all work done on your bike. This should be easy, since you'll be doing all the work yourself. If there is some project you are planning to tackle, let us know; we'll try and make sure all the tools you require are present at the next Jam and tell you if there are parts you need to purchase.
Not CycleJam?
CycleJam is not a repair service. Sometimes poeple bring a bike, step back, and expect it to repair itself. If this is the kind of magic you are looking for, visit one of Canberra's many skilled bike repair services. We like Monkey Wrench Cycles but there are other good options.
Where and When is CycleJam?
There are several regularly scheduled jams you can attend, at least one every week. Additionally, we frequently partner with other organisations for special programs. The best soure of information on all Jams is right here. We pride ourselves on the dependability of our scheduled event, but feel free to contact us if you wish to confirm.
Why is CycleJam?
In cycle culture rich Canberra, you may wonder why there is a need for another cycling group. CycleJam's goal is to empower individuals to fulfill their personal transport needs in a responsible, communal and affordable manner. CycleJam makes available many specialised tools needed to complete many bike repairs and this makes a lot of sense. Not everyone that needs to use an unusual tool, needs to OWN that tool, especially when the average person would be using that resource as little as once a year. By creating a communal forum, we can pool our resources and be much more efficient with our use of resources. Even with all the great resources CycleJam makes available, sometimes you'll have to purchase some new parts from a retailer, and that's ok. But, all seriousness aside, Jamming is FUN!